Security Consulting

Security Consuting

Amidst the ever-changing dangers posed by crime and terrorism, we provide our clients with reassurance through innovative and equitable approaches and comprehensive measures to protect individuals, assets, enterprises, industries, and governments.

In recent decades, the security field has become increasingly advanced and specialized, focusing on existing and emerging dangers. The security dangers we encounter, which include conventional criminal activities, acts of terrorism, and cyber-attacks, are continually changing as criminals and terrorists employ more advanced techniques. In light of this context, WSP’s security specialists collaborate with public security authorities, property owners, developers, security managers in various organizations, and architects to protect individuals, assets, and enterprises from harm and damage.


IPPC Got This

Our security experts include diverse experiences in civilian, police, and military sectors, along with substantial operational and industry expertise. By leveraging the knowledge and skills of our colleagues in various project design teams and our in-house experts in security-related areas like crowd management, IT network security, and enterprise resilience, we are able to create comprehensive strategies that effectively and efficiently address the risks of crime and terrorism for all types of properties. This ensures that our clients and the occupants of their buildings can have peace of mind.


Comprehensive Security Solutions Tailored to Meet the Needs of Businesses

Our project portfolio covers a broad spectrum of industries, from skyscrapers to locks, bridges, depots, and administrative buildings. Commercial and residential buildings, public and private healthcare facilities, schools, libraries, research facilities, airports, ports, and train stations are all part of our portfolio. By combining our knowledge, creativity, and technical know-how, we create individualized solutions that are both effective in deterring criminals and terrorists and in meeting the practical needs of businesses.


Flexible, Cost-Effective, and Sufficient Mitigation Strategies

The subsequent phase is engaging in discussions with our customer to determine priorities, assess expenses, and execute strategies to reduce potential risks, while also accounting for the possibility of modifying plans in response to future changes. Changes may manifest as novel dangers or, in the context of commercial office buildings, new tenants whose security needs are contingent upon their industry. A government department may encounter distinct threats compared to those confronted by a financial organization. After evaluating the risks and operational requirements of our clients, we provide recommendations on the most suitable deterrents, encompassing both physical and technological security measures.


Peace of Mind starts with the Right Team

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